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Pork Lard (16oz Jar)
Pork Lard (16oz Jar)
Free-range, pastured, organic fed (non-soy) rendered pork fat (lard)

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Price per 16 ounce Jar $17.00

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Product Code: 2330

Further Information
Our Lard is rendered from the fat of our hogs that spend their entire life on pasture.

Lard is excellent for frying and sauteing at high temperatures. Lard has an extensive history of use, and was the preferred baking fat until cheap hydrogenated vegetable oil took over the market. Lard provides a lipid profile similar to olive oil, and also provides the fat-soluble vitamins A,D, and K2, in abundance.

Most of our customers use this pure white lard for baking and pie crusts. It has a very neutral flavor. The flavor of leaf lard, the fat surrounding the kidneys, is no different from that of other lard - leaf lard was the easiest to harvest, hence its popularity in days of yore.

Makes a great gift for bakers.

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